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The concept of traditional occupation is changing in the age of the internet, and it has influenced the gambling industry too. Do you know, that a new profession of full-time gambling is coming up these days? Like any off-beat career, you won’t find much about full-time gamblers in popular media but the community is growing.

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With the advent of popular games like a 1xBet live stream and transparent money transaction policy adopted by reputed online casinos; your career as a professional bettor won’t be much disappointing.

Have you ever read a 1xBet review? Top-notch online bookies like 1xBet will surely reinforce your determination to be a full-time bettor. The following points can guide you to eke out your living as whole time gambler.


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At first, you may perceive this point as utterly meaningless. Why on earth should we mention this, when there is an ocean to discover in gambling? Well, the common problem with most of the land based casinos is they will try their best to cloud the sound judgment of the consumers.

And what is the most viable medium to do this? The answer is obviously alcohol. So for someone solely relying upon professional gambling as mean to sustain, alcohol consumption is a strict no-no when you are betting. This rule is applicable even if you are gambling online via 1xBet.

In similar fashion, don’t let your emotion take advantage of your rational mind. This is quite prevalent when a gambler faces an acute losing spree or a winning one.




In both the cases, he tends to pump in money obstinately thus leading to a major loss and financial ruin. It’s quite normal to feel elated when you are tasting victory while gambling on 1xBet live.

But don’t get carried away with it and go beyond your affordability. The fall can be quite miserable from there. Similarly, if gambling becomes an obsession for you, it’s advisable to take few days break.


Take Your Bankroll Management Very Seriously


Understand that choosing to gamble as the sole profession is a lonely business. Unlike regular jobs where you can form bonds with your colleagues, here you will act solo. There would be very few friends and acquaintances to fall back upon when cash is short-on-supply. So, take up your bankroll management very seriously.


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Don’t even invest money in fishy, fly-by-night companies that can rip you off. On the other hand, a reputed brand like 1xBet will always keep your transaction safe. An effective bankroll management pushes you to take small units to bet at a time. Maintain the amount such a way that, your bankroll has the ability to suck up the loss initially.

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The main issue with betting a large sum is the consistent percentage of return is not guaranteed, especially in the long run.

For argument’s sake, let’s take an example. If you gamble 200 bet per year on 1xBet sports with an average 55% rate of the strike and with approx 2.00 odds, then a sheer mathematical calculation will show you that the bankroll amount will be rough € 1200.00 per year.

Well for a full-time gambler with more than 200 bets, the amount should be higher than that given a consistent win.


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Did you hate math in the school? Then this is the time to pick up the book and brush up your skill. No, you don’t need to dig into the grave theorems but be street-smart when it comes to calculating your bets, odds, and bankroll. You may have heard the fabled luck that plays a huge role in the making and breaking of a gambler.

But do you want to be a fatalist in your profession? If the answer is no, then where is the harm of learning some simple math principles to bet more intelligently? Also picking up a quality bookmaker like 1xBet sports shall certainly teach you more about betting odds and other tips.


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Remember the golden tip about stakes always check out whether the wager is gobbling up more than 2.5% of your preliminary bankroll or not. If the answer is yes, then it’s time to withdraw the bet and vice-versa. Thus be more pragmatic and carry a piece of paper and pen whether you are gambling online on 1xBet live or at a Las Vegas casino.

If the probability of win seems 70%-80%, then only you should go ahead and put your stake on the bet. Your goal has to be measurable and time-bound and in order to achieve that you need knowledge of math.


Know Your Bookmaker Inside Out


As stated above, the online gambling industry is quite saturated with scamsters waiting to prey on the innocent player. But a site like Gambling.com or Betting Expert is always there for you, to list down the top-notch, trusted names in the industry.


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So don’t go for little-known or under-reviewed betting sites, rather, head towards a quality bookmaker like 1xBet after scanning the rave 1xBet review in any of the casinos evaluating sites.

But keep note that at any given point-of-time, you must have minimum six bookmakers at your kitty. Varied betting odds and opportunities are leading greater chances to win.

Do remember that a bookmaker is responsible for gaining profit for the house. It will always set up the game in such a way that, each side of the odd has an equal chance for victory.

Also, either by fuelling your greed or luring with attractive bonuses, a bookmaker tends to push the bettor to go for accumulator bets which is gambling upon the collective odds of multiple sports.


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Though it promises you a greater victory at the end, but on the same hand, it reduces the probability of your win. Whether betting on 1xBet live stream or at the seaside casino, don’t fall into this trap.

Taking small, calculated steps will go a long way to cementing your profit in gambling. Like any other vocation, this too demands your time, plan and homework. Go for your bits, and you don’t have to believe in any other gambling myth, in order to have a smooth win.


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